My Story

Growing up in rural Canada, I come from a family where curiosity is nurtured and higher education is valued. Some of my earliest memories involve trips to the library where I could choose to take home as many books as I could carry! I am an avid reader and a lifelong learner. In addition to executive coaching, I worked for many years as an admission director for two prestigious independent schools in Southern California. My husband is a retired independent school Head, and our three adult children all graduated from college.

My family cultivated large vegetable and flower gardens, inspiring me to become a certified Square-Foot-Gardening instructor. I first studied yoga and meditation as a teenager and eventually became an accredited meditation teacher. I incorporate aspects of mindfulness and breath techniques in my work as an ecopsychology coach, encouraging clients to expand their emotional connection to nature.

 In 2018, I studied with JRNI to earn my professional certification as a life coach.  

My husband and I moved from Los Angeles to Cape Cod in 2019 to be closer to our adult children. Our first grandchild was born in 2020. I have devoured hundreds of positive psychology books, attended courses, led workshops and seminars, and perused countless wellness websites and videos. I continue to meditate, dance, laugh, and love. I strive to do my best, live with integrity, and stay open to learning.

Disrupting With Love

I am a joyful, optimistic person who relishes many roles as a spouse, parent, friend, educator, gardener, and coach. I am blessed with an abundance of kind, loving people in my life. I strive to live an authentic life of peace and to always give my best self to all that I do.

I have reinvented myself several times throughout my life - emerging from my cocoon as a new butterfly. For thousands of years, many cultures associate the metamorphosis of butterflies as symbols of radical change or abrupt renewal. For me, the butterfly motif represents the hope of regeneration and resilience. As an ecopsychology coach, I envision my clients beginning the first stage of their next life cycle - what are they trying to build for themselves? What patterns are they trying to change? I am here to help strengthen the cocoon that sustains change and then break it open to reveal the beautiful butterfly.

Currently living in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, with my beloved husband, we share our home with an assortment of domestic and wild animals who have found their way into our organic gardens and our hearts.

Audacious Questioner

I am not a therapist. Some of my clients choose to work with therapeutic caregivers in conjunction with my forward-focused ecopsychology coaching. What do you need to be doing right now to live your best life? My audacious questions will challenge you to think deeply about what you really need and I will hold you accountable to work towards building your life the way you want to live.

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